The Laptop Investor


Anti-Fragile: Things That Gain From Disorder

Things That Gain From Disorder,
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This is going to be a big call, however this book may just be the most important book you ever read when it comes to trading and investment. 

One thing most readers will come to realise is their trading accounts are very fragile and setup for disaster. While I write this review the market is suffering one of it’s worse crashes spurred on by the Corona Virus (Covid-19).

Too late for many people they’ve realised their accounts were in fact fragile. The author discusses how a professional trader was able to wipe out 7 years of gains in 7 minutes due to a fragile account.

I highly recommend this book as it will challenge the way you think and provoke thought on your trading and life in general about how fragile we really are and how in particular we can make our trading much more robust or as Nassim says, “Anti-Fragile.”

Most of us perhaps go about our lives living blissfully ignorant like a Christmas Turkey on a farm. Thinking wow this is great, I get to roam and get fed daily and no one bothers me ……. till one day………CHOP.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars due to the importance of the topic and is a game changer when you embrace the Anti-Fragile mindset. 

This book can be found by clicking on the following link.


The Art of Contrary Thinking

By Humphrey B. Neill

This book review is inspired by recent events with the crash in the market due to the Corona Virus (Covid-19) and a post I felt compelled to write at the following link.

Having the herd mentality when it comes to trading can be very dangerous and detrimental to your portfolio. It is a primal instinct however and one that is hard to fight against. It’s important to understand what the herd is thinking and why it’s detrimental to your trading account.
As the famous investor Jim Rogers has said before “When everybody is on one side of the boat, you should go to the other side.”

This book discusses previous market conditions and how the market reacted. In my opinion an important read as far from strategy the power of the mind and emotions can take over any best intentioned strategy. This book is dated and not the easiest read however due to the significance and the importance of the topic I give it 4 stars out of 5.

The book can be found by clicking on the following link.
